lgd.photography – This is my Photography website. There is a wide variety of material here. I’ve been shooting for decades and interests change. It’s mostly Fine Art, but there are some select Travel and Stock photos too, with a focus on Asia.
Selections include:
Glitch Stitching – This is primarily my current project TrainPans, though it also includes similar work done outside the North-East corridor including Vienna, Austria, and Los Angeles. Inception 2014, ongoing.
Bent Windows – This is an ongoing project pushing panorama stitching software to build distorted versions of reality. Stretching boundaries and breaking out of the ‘photo box’. Inception 2008, ongoing.
Slice – Multiple impressions of nature, divergent moments-viewpoints merging. Inception 2009, ongoing.
Secret Life of Dolls and Overlay – I’m fascinated by how dolls and manikins see us. They’re always watching, if they have a head. What do they see? In Overlay I’m applying image stitching techniques on the images. It brings these subjects to life. Inceptions 1981, and 2014.
Asia – Work from Asia, primarily China/Tibet, from 1985 to 1991.